Clarissa Pinkola Estes, author of Women Who Run With the Wolves, says we have to live a hand-crafted life. Yes! Today I’m thinking about buttons. I love buttons. I have tons of buttons from my mother, her mother, and my mother-in-law. I need to play this weekend, so I’m thinking I might pull out some buttons and try a button craft. My inner child loves to make things. What does this have to do with living safe and sane? Everything! It’s about self-nurture, self-expression and even–gasp!–fun! Not everybody’s idea of fun, for sure. But I can be so grim and earnest sometimes. Time to push some buttons! Stay tuned–I’m going to try to make a necklace and if I get really motivated maybe I’ll upload a photo for everyone to see. Just for today, my job is to remember that the order of the universe is God, self, others, things. And sometimes a good way to feel HP moving is to make something pretty!