Words to Quiet Any Heart

There’s so very much to love about this modern life. But there are also so many noises and distractions, interruptions and obstacles to peace of mind. Honestly, I don’t know why my higher power speaks to me so quietly, but there it is–the oft-mentioned, seldom heard, still, small voice I need to be listening for all the time. I was saying something of the sort to a friend this morning, and she sent me this:

O friends, listen to the promptings of your heart.
For truth makes itself known
in Sacred Silent Spaces.
Your soul is nurtured in quietude and with prayer, ever awaiting seed sown by the Spirit in fertile heart-soil.
When the distractions of the noisy world separate us from the Source,
our souls wither;
we forget our purpose:
to express our unique gifts of love,
to blossom in beauty.
O, let us pause in our busy lives;
and let us take gentle moments of being in the silence,
to listen for the Beloved’s voice, to know love’s companioning Presence. nan merrill

Merrill founded Friends of Silence in Detroit in 1987 to encourage what the poet Rumi called the deep listening. Amazing. I signed up and on. Tons of beautiful writings on their site.

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