There have been many, many times in my personal growth adventure when I’ve had my breath taken away by the sheer terror, yes, of opening to joy. The human mind, through evolution, is wired to go to the negative. Add to that plenty of negative life experiences, and you’ve got skittishness when the miracles start happening. There’s where we have to take the leap. Be really, really brave and feel that deep, deep joy down in our hearts. I’ve been listening to Belleruth Naprestek’s CD “Overcoming Trauma.” It’s a guided imagery through your heart; first the broken, awful places. Then, a tunnel of bright light, where you go deep down in to your gorgeous and true heart. The first time I tried to listen to this, two years ago, I had to stop. Too scary! But as I continue my work, I get braver, and I’ve been making it part of my routine in my morning commute. I have dared to go into the deep and beautiful part of my heart–and there is sustenance there! But it’s not an easy trip, not a bit. So necessary though. When we lean on people places and things for our sense of who we are and what matters, we set ourselves up for a fall. When we recognize the native love in our own hearts, we are able to see the same in the people, places and things around us and connect without losing ourselves. We experience love and wholeness. Worth the trip!